Unit 1 General Chemistry Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions The size of atoms decreases from left to right across a period in the periodic table. For example, on moving from lithium to beryllium [ ], the number of charges on the nucleus is increased by one, so that all the orbital elect...
This notebook provides a review of several general chemistry concepts, including quantum numbers, electron configurations, atomic orbitals, and electron affinities. It asks some multiple choice questions and uses Turning Point Anywhere to record student responses, and also includes a few Demonstrations....
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1 17. Review.86.06 M下载 外唐网视频教程合并软件下载地址: http://www.waitang.com/upload/flvtool.zip 视频介绍 讲师:Amanda Brindley 课程地址:http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1a_general_chemistry.html视频信息:在线观看> 普通化学 A(CHEM 1A, General Chemistry) 教程主讲:Amanda Brindley 所属分类...
This chapter began with a review of redox principles from general chemistry: formal oxidation numbers, balancing redox and reduction half reactions, and the Nernst equation. These are the basic tools needed to calculate standard biological (or environmental) reduction potentials EH°† and to underst...
应用化学专题Special Topics in Applied Chemistry 一、化工装置常用词汇 一概论introduction 方案(建议书proposal 可行性研究feasibility study 方案设计concept design 工艺设计process design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 开工会议kick-off meeting 审核会议review meeting 外商投资foreign investment 中外合资join...
MCAT General Chemistry Review 作者:Princeton Review 出版年:2010-7 页数:320 定价:348.00元 ISBN:9780375427947 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· The MCAT is a test of more than just the facts about basic physical and biological sciences—it’s ...
Adaptive chemistry assignments guide each student through customized pathways of material until they attain mastery of instructor-selected learning objectives. This functionality meets students where they are; struggling students who need more practice receive targeted attention until mastery is achieved, ...
1.1 History of Chemistry 1.2 Chemistry iMedicine 1.3 Measurement of Matter: the SI Unit 1.4 Quantitative Ways of Expressing Concentration 1.5 Chapter Summary Review Questions Answers References Chapter 2 Colligative Properties of Dilute Solutions 2.1 Vapor Pressure Lowering 2.2 Boiling Point ...