In addition, it is demonstrated that fundamental triadsare indispensable for a diversity of domains including information theory, mathematics, chemistry, physics, networks and networking, logic, AI, database theory and practice, mathematical linguistics, biology, epistemology, philosophy and methodology of...
For certain applications there has been more interest to explore the chemistry of graphene oxide (GO), which can be regarded as a single-layer of graphite oxide. In this case, the presence of structural defects due to oxygen functional groups bound to the 2D carbon monolayer has a detrimental...
PCTB Chemistry Class 9 New Book Solved Exercise Notes pdf Punjab boards. The new book has total 13 chapters. Chemistry Class 9 New Book Units: Unit.1 States of Matter and Phase Changes Unit.2 Atomic Structure Unit.3 Chemical Bonding Unit.4 Stoichiometry Unit.5 Energetics Unit.6 Equilibria ...