A process for determination of general characteristics of blood flow comprises the research of parameters of systolic wave and reflection wave, calculation of vessel rigidity index, separation of stage of compensation and decompensation of microcircular blood flow. Additionally the resistency of small ...
Effect of n-3 and n-6 Fatty Acid Supplemented Diets on Semen Quality in Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) The present work aimed to compare the effect of different dietary oil sources on semen characteristics of quail males. Japanese quail males (21 per diet) w... Hazim J Al-Da...
What really takes place a combination followed by the creation of new characteristics, just as in chemistry certain elements, when brought into contact bases and acids, for example combine to form a new body possessing properties quite different from those of the bodies that have served to form ...
Data from 659 interstate bus drivers collected retrospectively, including anthropometric characteristics, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, meatoscopy, and audiometry. All participants were male, with a mean age of 41.7 ?? 6.9 years, weight of 81.4 ?? 3.3...
14、 Social factors 4、Characteristics of contagious diseases Basic charcteristics Pathogen Epidemiologic feature Epidemic sporadic occurrence, epidemic pandemic outbreak Seasonal Endemically , Locally Non-native Postinfection immunity(active immunity) Clinical feature incubation period prodromal period 15、perio...
Medvedev, SG, Aibulatov, SV, Bespyatova, LA (2007) Bloodsucking Dipteran Insects (Diptera) Attacking Humans and Animals (the ‘Gnus’ Complex) in Northwestern Russia: I. General Characteristics of the Fauna. Entomol. Obozr. 86: pp. 827-844...
Results: There were no significant differences between the demographic characteristics of the two groups. Intraoperative bleeding which was 874.8 ± 190.7 ml in the CEGA group and 1,248.3 ± 343.4 ml in the GA group was statistically different (p < 0.05). Significantly more ...
Describe the structure and function of veins. List and describe the structures an oxygen molecule will pass through as it moves from the outside of the body(starting at the nose) and into the blood at the pulmonary capillaries. Which of the foll...
Age-Specific Characteristics of Noctural Blood Pressure in a General Population in a Community of Northern JapanImai, Y.Munakata, M.Hashimoto, J.Minami, N.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Under the right frequencies, EIS can be used as a non-invasive, label-free method for detecting the activities of cells in real-time and used for extended periods of time to monitor the impedance characteristics of cell cultures within incubators1. EIS effectively works by measuring the ...