Go to the appropriate volume of thez/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Referencemanual for information about the return codes: IEANTRT IEANTCR IEANTDL from the name token services call. If you are unable to solve the problem, take a stand-alone system dump and contact yourIBMsupport ce...
STATUS Displays the status of a job. SUBMIT Submits one or more batch jobs for processing. TERMINAL Lists or changes operating characteristics of your terminal. TEST Tests a program or command processor written in Assembler language. TRANSMIT Sends information, such as a message or a copy of ...
at Job spooling tools atari800 An emulator of 8-bit Atari personal computers atasm 6502 cross-assembler atomes An atomistic toolbox atomic-reactor Improved builder for Docker images atool A perl script for managing file archives of various types atop An advanced interactive monitor to view the lo...
[x86] Assembler::andb(Address,Register) encoding is incorrect JDK-8267529 StringJoiner can create a String that breaks String::equals JDK-8267521 Post JEP 411 refactoring: maximum covering > 50K JDK-8267481 Make sure table row has correct number of cells JDK-8267480 Explicitly problemlist all run...
NASM Assembler ActiveState or Strawberry Perl unxutils or gnuwin32 Windows-native unix command line tools (Note mingw and cygwin are not supported) Info-zip command line zip curl and awk (or name gawk from unxutils as awk) Subversion and GIT command line tools Phase 1: Gather and...
STATUS Displays the status of a job. SUBMIT Submits one or more batch jobs for processing. TERMINAL Lists or changes operating characteristics of your terminal. TEST Tests a program or command processor written in Assembler language. TRANSMIT Sends information, such as a message or a copy of ...
Seez/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSPfor complete details on the ASASYMBM service. After a symbol statement containing a system symbol string (S'original_string') is transformed into a symbol statement containing the resulting character string (C'result_string'), it will ...