The General Aptitude Test is the 3rd section of the CUET exam that examines your general knowledge, reasoning and quantitative aptitude. The details of the CUET General Test (CUET GAT) section are mentioned below:Criteria Details Mode Offline Medium English/Language Chosen in Section I Duration 60...
GRE general exam syllabus comprises three sections- Analytical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. It’s especially tailored in such a way to test the candidates’ analytical aptitude, writing skills, and critical thinking skills. #1. GRE Verbal Reasoning GRE verbal reasoning de...
The entire General Aptitude test segment of the CUET UG exam can generally be divided into 3 sections: GK/ Current Affairs, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. The GK/ Current Affairs had the most number of questions last year followed by Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. That means, the C...
While cognitive ability and aptitude tests don’t need specific revision, you might want to brush up on your school-level math knowledge. You don’t have to be a college math genius to answer the numerical reasoning questions, but you do need to be able to apply basic principles to the t...
Logical Reasoning Question Answer Logical Reasoning part contains lots of questions along with answers on Number Series, Word Series, Coding Decoding, Classification, Essential Part etc. Aptitude Questions and Answers In this section we provide Questions with solutions for Quantitative Aptitude problems whi...
JOINT CSIR-UGC NET FOR JRF AND ELIGIBILITY FOR LECTURESHIP SECTION-A GENERAL APTITUDEion. This is the reason why the psychologists call numerical ability as one aspect of Intelligence'. The questions for checking a person's level of numerical ability mostly deal with numerical comprehension, ...
off mts cut off cpo cut off gd cut off je cut off stenographer cut off cgl result chsl result mts result cpo result gd result je result stenographer result ssc preparation government schemes logical reasoning static gk english prep for govt exams computer awareness quantitative aptitude mock tests...
Section 1: General Intelligence and Reasoning This General Intelligence syllabus section mainly consists of questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. This test mainly includes questions designed to test the candidate’s capacity to deal with abstract ideas, symbols, their relationships, and other...
The paper II or aptitude test may look complex at the surface but scratching it a bit it's not a difficult nut to crack. The best strategy, to read the basic concept first and develop a fair understanding of the question asked in each section. The pattern of allotting specific number of...
marking in the exam, which will be fully objective and comprises multiple-choice questions. also, it is critical to maintain a positive mindset and avoid developing exam anxiety. q3 i had competed in the olympiads before when i was in a lower class. is it possible for me to appear again?