"an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture," 1976, introduced by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene," coined by him from Greek sources, such asmimeisthai"to imitate" (seemime(n.)), and intended to echogene. ...
The word ‘gene’ was coined by W. Johannsen in 1909, but the modern concept of the gene originated with Gregor Mendel, who in the 1860s studied the inheritance of characteristics that differed sharply and unambiguously among true-breeding varieties of garden peas. Mendel found that a ...
弗里斯创造的"泛生子"(pangene)一词缩短而成的,而"泛生子"一词则衍生于达尔文提出的"泛生论"(theory of pangenesis).约翰森的这一创造堪称"推陈出新"的典范.Abstract: In1909,Johannsen coined the word "gene", shortened from the pangene of de Vries and ultimately derived from Darwin's word pangenesis...
and currently, we don’t see any cache links in Google Search. For now, you can still build your own cache links even without the button, just by going to “https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:” plus a website URL, or by typing “cache:” plus a URL into Google...
Never mind where. Take my word for it. And, while you’re at it, on these, too: Yusef Lateef,Atlantis Lullaby: The Concert From Avignon(Elemental)– I’m guessing from the many times in the last year or two that I’ve heard tracks from his 1961 LPEastern Soundsin jazz radio rotatio...
(While Mendel is given credit as the originator of modern genetics, the word "gene" was not coined until well after his death.) In this view, genes are those elements responsible for the "phenotype," the set of observable traits that make up the organism. In the original Mendelian ...
coined the word "gene" ("gen" in Danish and German) in 1909 to describe these fundamental physical and functional units of heredity,[11] while the related word genetics was first used by William Bateson in 1905.[12] The word was derived from Hugo de Vries' 1889 term pangen for the ...
Wednesday Book: A Well-Meaning Scientist Flounders in the Gene Pool ; in Our Own Image: Eugenics and the Genetic Modification of People by David Galton (Little, Brown, Pounds 20.00)THE VERY word "eugenics" triggers warning bells. Coined by Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, from the Greek ...
1911, from German Gen, coined 1905 by Danish scientist Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen (1857- 1927), from Greek genea “generation, race,” from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget.” De Vries had earlier called them pangenes. Gene pool is attested from 1946. ...
George Beadle and Edward Tatum demonstrate that protein synthesis as well as the function of enzymes is controlled by genes and they introduce the “one gene–one enzyme theory” (a term coined by Norman Horowitz) 1942: Conrad Waddington coins the term “epigenetics” 1942: Julian Huxley charac...