要使用TBtools的Gene Structure View模块,你需要按照以下步骤操作: 1.安装TBtools:首先,确保你已经安装了Python,并使用pip命令安装了TBtools。你可以在TBtools的GitHub页面找到安装说明和文档。 2.准备数据:将你感兴趣的基因的注释文件(例如GFF3或GTF格式)准备好。确保该文件包含有关基因的坐标、外显子和内含子的信息。
#Tbtools基因家族分析番外篇#进化树与Motif,Doamin,Gene structure一起展示 5万 42 6:47 App #基因家族分析系列2#MEME motif分析!!! 2.2万 4 11:01 App 【TBtools】做基因家族之基因结构分析 2.4万 6 3:28 App #基因家族分析系列4#基因结构分析,哪个基因经不起这样的考验!! 3360 -- 8:50 App 基因家...
TBtools基因家族分析|基因家族共线性分析 Circos图 Initialsjm 如何理解系统发生树/系统发育树? 育空狼小孩 #基因家族分析系列1-1.2#鉴定家族成员?拿来吧你!通过Blast鉴定基因家族成员 无Ct和没条带 小明的数据分析笔记本 05:24 hmmer鉴定基因家族 黑马UQ
TBtools快速进行基因家族分析|综合进化树、Motif、Domin、Gene Structure图 5.4万播放 【分子克隆实验】感受态转化、涂板 6226播放 如何进行质粒提取? 2.1万播放 如何才能保研top985?up主采访保研浙大学妹 | 防止大学变废 | 人生没有白吃的苦 2568播放 【新传保研 | 面试篇】夏令营/预推免面试如何做充足准备? 5427...
The MEME website was used to conduct an online analysis of the shared conserved structural domains of potato and pepperGGPgene families. The structure of the potato and pepperGGPgene families was visualized using the TBtools “gene structure view (advanced) function”. ...
Gene structure information, cis-acting elements of BcPCP promoters, conserved domains and motifs, and protein tertiary structures of BcPCPs were obtained from the Gene Structure Display Server (GSDS, V2.0; http://gsds.gao-lab.org/), PlantCARE database (http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/web...
利用Gene Structure Display Server (GSDS 2.0 https://gsds.cbi.pku.edu.cn/)[15]图形化显示StGAUT的基因结构。 1.4 马铃薯GAUT家族成员的染色体定位与基因重复事件分析 根据StGAUT家族成员在染色体上的位置信息,利用MapChart软件绘制StGAUT基因的染色体位置图和相对距离。StGAUT基因的串联重复事件由以下2个条件确定:...
The evolutionary relationship, gene structure, domain, and motif composition of genes were mapped using TBtools software. Analysis of the GhFLS promoter region and different expression patterns The 2000 bp DNA sequence of the upstream region of GhFLSs was derived from the CottonFGD database (https:...
The gene structure was visualized in TBtools (v2.096) using the annotation files in the genome, and the sequence motif was predicted in MEME (https://meme-suite.org/meme/ (accessed on 16 July 2024 Beijing time)), setting the number of predictions to 10. Other parameters were set to ...
[46].The analysis of protein conserved motifs was conducted with CDD program [39] (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/cdd/), SMART [40] (http://smart.embl.de/) and InterPro (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/), the final figures were made by gene structure view (advanced) of TBtools ...