2024年11月30日,国际英文期刊《Gene & Protein in Disease》2024年学术研讨会在河南大学成功召开。本次会议围绕“建设一流国际期刊,打造共享学术平台”的主题,汇聚了来自基础医学院各学科的系主任、副主任以及优秀研究生代表。期刊创始人、...
英文期刊Gene & Protein in Disease(简写为GPD)是专注于基因、蛋白质和疾病新研究进展的国际期刊,主要发表分子医学和转化医学领域的新研究成果。GPD是新加坡ACC Science Publishing出版公司旗下的第七家国际期刊,于2022年3月开始筹办,6月30日第一期正式上线创刊,并于7月1日获得刊号(电子版刊号2811-003X),暂定为季刊...
英文期刊Gene &Protein in Disease(GPD)创刊筹备工作进展顺利英文期刊Gene & Protein in Disease(简写为GPD)是专注于基因、蛋白质和疾病最新研究进展的国际期刊。初步决定于2022年6月正式创刊,刊期暂定为季刊。本刊由新加坡AccScience Publishing出版公司和中科伊诺(北京)国际医学研究院有限公司联合运营,平台有多个成功的...
国际期刊Gene & Protein in Disease(GPD)简介(查询ID:091816000003)_项目信息_医院建筑工程网
Moreover, names indicating protein complexes or families of proteins or genes that could not be mapped to at most three genes were not considered. Human microarray expression series relative to each disease were searched in GEO by using the corresponding disease names as keywords. To maintain ...
到此结束,归结到最后,我们可以看出其脉络来了,那就是从基因(gene)开始,基因使用其核苷酸序列(nucleotide sequence)表达了氨基酸(Amino acid)组成蛋白质(protein)的序列。所以,想要获得基因或基因产物(product)的信息,除了使用基因的名称外,还可以使用核苷酸序列和蛋白质的相关特性信息,进行查找。说白了,整个国家生物信息...
Disclosed is a protein associated with disease resistance and an encoding gene thereof, and use thereof in regulation of plant disease resistance. A protein provided is: a) a protein with an amino acid sequence as shown in amino acids 1-264 of SEQ ID NO: 1; b) a protein that is ...
in a functional unit called anoperon. Ultimately, the activity of the operon is controlled by aregulator gene, which produces a smallproteinmolecule called arepressor. The repressor binds to the operator gene and prevents it from initiating the synthesis of the protein called for by the operon....
Cancer is a heterogeneous disease requiring costly genetic profiling for better understanding and management. Recent advances in deep learning have enabled cost-effective predictions of genetic alterations from whole slide images (WSIs). While transforme