Gene mutation linked to cognition found only in humans 人类基因突变神经科学脑容量无中国科学院院刊(英文版)
Gene-mutation discovery could help humans, cats with eye diseasedoi:, Mo. -- A veterinary ophthalmologist at the University of Missouri identified a genetic link between cats and humans...
deleted, doubled, rearranged, or replaced, each alteration having a particular effect. Mutation generally has little or no effect, but, when it does alter an organism, the change may be lethal or cause disease. Abeneficialmutationwill rise in frequency within apopulationuntil it becomes the ...
phenotype. In humans,Marfan syndromeand osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are examples of dominant negative mutations occurring in anADpattern. In Marfan syndrome, the defective product of thefibrillingene (FBN1) antagonizes the product of the normal allele. In OI, the defects occur intype I collagen...
Modification of the strain through mutation can also be induced at will, by subjecting the genetic material to reaction with a variety of physical and chemical agents called mutagens. Examples of some known mutagenic agents are listed in Table 1. Each agent includes DNA alterations in a specific...
is expressed only in the central nervous systems of humans and that it originated less than 5 million years ago. The study, which also demonstrated the molecular mechanism that creates this novel protein, will be published online inHuman Mutation, the official journal of the Human Genome Variation...
Knowing the mutation frequency of cancer genes in China is crucial for reducing the global health burden. We integrate the tumor epidemiological statistics with cancer gene mutation rates identified in 11,948 cancer patients to determine their weighted p
Characterization of the molecular function of the human genome and its variation across individuals is essential for identifying the cellular mechanisms that underlie human genetic traits and diseases. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project aims t
Classic examples include round versus wrinkled seeds in peas, or presence or absence of hairs on the middle section of the fingers in humans. The competing school of thought for the first thirty years of the twentieth century was Darwinism, which considered characters with a continuous ...
(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute has found what they believe is the DNA mutation that led to a change in function of a gene in humans that sparked the growth of a larger neocortex. In their paper published in the journa