Gene expression in the brainG.W. BruynElsevier BVJournal of the Neurological Sciences
Gene expression in the brain — A comparative study of control and Alzheimer's disease patients : ∗R.M. Bayney, A.S. Lee, S.K. Pekar, M.E. Kamarck, 1E.J. Mufson. Molecular Therapeutics, Inc. 400 Morgan Lane, West Haven, Connecticut, 06516 and 1Institute For Biogerontology Research...
Effects of Mangiferin on the Expression of TNF-α, iNos, ICAM-1 and Its mRNA in the Heart, Brain and Kidneys of SHR [Objectives] To study the effects of Mangiferin( MGF) on TNF-伪,iNOS,ICAM-1 and its mRNA expression in the heart,brain and kidneys of spontaneously hyperte... HU Xiao...
The colored nucleic acids indicate mismatches. (b, f and j) ChIP-qPCR analysis of dCas9-KRAB binding to the targeting sites with the navigation of sgRNA variants (n = 3 for all groups). (c, g and k) qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expression in neurons expressing different sgRNA variants (n...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is more prevalent in males, and the mechanisms behind this sex-differential risk are not fully understood. Two competing, but not mutually exclusive, hypotheses are that ASD risk genes are sex-differentially regulated, or a
glia can rapidly respond with changes inprotein expressionoften at places far removed from the cell body. Finally, the actual act of translation of an mRNA into a protein can also be regulated by modulation of proteins that bind the mRNA. In some cases, particularly in development, specific ...
The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) microarray technique enables us to gauge the difference in gene expression level between human and chimpanzee brains at a genome-wide level. Several studies have shown that (1) gene expression is more conservative in the brain than in other tissues, (2) the diver...
Studies of gene expression in related species can shed light on the flexibility, or degree of conservation, of the gene expression profiles underlying sexual dimorphism. Results We have studied the extent of sexual dimorphism in gene expression in the brain of two species of songbirds, the zebra ...
Brain bank A new frontier has been reached in both neuroscience and genetics. The expression of each of the roughly 22,000 genes of the mouse genome has been mapped, at cellular resolution, across all major structures of the mouse brain. This achievement is part of the Allen Brain Atlas pro...
Because the brain is a complex organ with many distinct anatomical and functional regions—and varying patterns of gene expression—scientists narrowed their study to two key regions of the limbic system, which plays a vital role in regulating behavior, emotion and memory. The regions were the amy...