Locus (pl. Loci) The terms “locus” and “allele” are often collectively called “gene.” To explain Mendeliangenetics, “locus”and “allele” are used distinctively; thus, it is helpful to understand the concept of the locus and allele for modeling Mendelian diseases and conducting theirfun...
However, the majority of cis-eQTLs do exhibit allele specific expression. We applied a linear model controlling for ancestry, sex, genotyping platform and latent factors12 in the expression data for each tissue that may reflect batch or other technical variables (see Methods; Extended Data Fig. ...
The CommonMind Consortium sequenced RNA from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of people with schizophrenia (N = 258) and control subjects (N = 279), creating a resource of gene expression and its genetic regulation. Using this resource, ∼20% of schizophrenia loci have variants that could ...
Heterozygous fish always mature later than those homozygous for the "earlier" allele. The site of action of the P locus could be the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus or higher centers of the brain where peripheral information is transduced into an appropriate signal required for the activation of...
(RNA-seq). eQTL analysis involves identifying for each gene, those genetic variants where genetic variation significantly associates with gene expression variation, as determined using linear regression or non-parametric models to correlate allele counts and expression levels. An eQTL study is analogous ...
1980) is calculated according to the following formula [ \(PIC=1-\Sigma {P}_{i}^{2}- \mathrm{\Sigma \Sigma }{P}_{i}^{2}{P}_{j}^{2}\)], where p i and p j are the population frequency of the i‐th and j‐th allele. The first summation is over the total number of ...
The novel allele of the LhMYB12 gene is involved in splatter-type spot formation on the flower tepals of Asiatic hybrid lilies (Lilium spp.) Tasaki, K., The novel allele of the LhMYB12 gene is involved in splatter-type spot formation on the flower tepals of Asiatic hybrid lilies (Liliu...
2021). This study aimed to directly use the data for streamlining high-throughput phenotyping, allele identification and genomic selection (Varshney et al. 2021; Bohra et al. 2022). Many genebanks, including CGIAR, genotype their collections to better harness the genetic potential they contain (...
[74] was used to filter SNPs, with parameters set to --geno 0.2 and --maf 0.05(SNP deletion rate < 20 and minor allele frequency < 0.05) to filter out loci with deletion rates above 10% and loci with minimum allele frequencies less than 5%. The resulting filtered dataset was...
We leveraged approximately 2.7 million SNPs with a minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.05 in conjunction with the 45,545 genes exhibiting expression variation across all stages (64.8% of the predicted transcriptome) in the eQTL mapping (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). In total, 53,854 cis...