针对以上痛点,吉因加依托Gene+Box NGS自动化分析解读一体机进行软件升级,运用Box对Gene+Seq-2000测序数据直接处理,支持Gene+Seq-2000A/B面同时/不同时测序不同读长的芯片,并且满足芯片灵活上机、下机,满足肿瘤、病原检测项目灵活组合上、下机,不影响数据产出。目前,A/B面支持的自由组合功能已经在吉因加内部完成测试升...
2019年9月20日,国内肿瘤精准医疗行业领先企业吉因加在厦门国际会议中心举办 “Gene+Seq-200/2000基因测序仪获NMPA证书上市发布会”。活动正值2019CSCO学术年会吉因加专题卫星会,整个会场气氛高涨,座无虚席。来自国内外的上千名专家、学者、...
梁智勇教授为“Gene+Seq-200/2000基因测序仪获NMPA证书上市发布会”作开场致辞。他对吉因加两款国产基因测序仪的获证表示祝贺,并呼吁大家对国产品牌测序仪给予更多的支持,同时期待吉因加继续努力,真正把Gene+Seq-200/2000基因测序仪做成肿瘤基因检测的国之重器。 Gene+Seq-200/2000基因测序仪获NMPA证书上市发布仪式 工...
The latter method was previously expensive and laborious (long segment sequencing—Sanger’s method), but due to second (e.g., 454, MiSeq Illumina, and Ion Torrent)- and third (e.g., PacBio)-generation sequencing methods, the technology is economical and rapid (Faure and Joly, 2015). ...
{BLR 2000} GENESEQ - Internet - Sequence Analysisdoi:10.1089/blr.1995.14.374.Mary Ann Liebert IncBiotechnology Law Report
(cyan: males and orange: hermaphrodites) represents enrichment in either sex. TFs were mined using wTF2.2, an updated compendium ofC. eleganstranscription factors55.bNormalized RNA-seq expression values ofces-2across all developmental stages,n = 4 biological repeats per sample.P-values were ...
This modified approach is a high-throughput, low-input 3’-mRNA-seq method, which enhances the quality of library preparation for more accurate gene expression profiling39,40. We produced RNA-seq profiles from five distinct developmental stages (L1, L2, L3, L4, YA) for both sexes, totaling ...
(Tasic et al., 2016)). Using Microwell-Seq, Han and collaborators profiled over fifty mouse organs, tissues and cell lines providing a mouse cell atlas database that will also includeproteomicdata (such as CyTOF data) and spatial information (such as in situ data) to provide a more ...