that such institutions can be approached through feminist methodology, for example, by using critical analysis to question what appears 'normal' in institutional practice and by listening to the voices of women who challenge the norms of hegemonic masculinity by engaging in daily institutional practice...
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Between Institutional and Domestic Constraints: Male and Female Life Courses in Switzerland This study analyzes occupational trajectories in Switzerland on the basis of hypotheses about standardization, individualization & gendering of life courses which are often related to the increasing & later decreasing...
Our analysis of workers’ interpretive practices, including comments about their own and others’ work, also reveals moralized, status-based hierarchies and divisions of labour along gender, race, and class lines. Professionals and other staff characterized PSWs, who are tasked with direct daily care...
are inscribed into and reflected by institutional structures, cultural symbols and social interactions although they appear as gender-neutral. Gender and gender inequalities are therefore produced and reproduced through social practices in organizations. These are called gendered practices if they explicitly ...
(Daly & Ferragina,2018). However, there are some important institutional differences between Finland and Sweden that can be hypothesized to lead to differences in parenting practices between these two countries. We hypothesize that such differences will have an impact on the gender gap in accumulated...
We need to ask how these practices are selectively condemned and commended by the different actors in the field and which social and moral stakes are encompassed. Moreover, the theoretical stance that considers female GCS as the unracialized mirror of FGM/C has developed without any ethnographic ...
Evidence suggests that factors such as gender [2], socio-economic status [4], ageing [5], and lifestyle factors (i.e., level of physical activity, dietary practices, etc.) [6] are significantly associated with the risk of dementia. For instance, Nichols et al. [2]’s estimation of ...
rely on media outlets for parenting information as traditional childrearing knowledge and practices are now regarded as outdated (Jankowiak & Moore,2017; Peng,2020). Most kindergartens and schools in China create WeChat or QQ groups to facilitate parent–teacher communication. Teachers use these ...
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