ServicesThe outbreak of Covid-19 precipitated the use of service robots in customer-facing services as a replacement for employ- ees to avoid human-to-human contact. However, this development has not resolved the debate as to whether robots should be characterized with gender attributes or simply...
Gender theory has done much to transform the humanities and social sciences, yet it has had little success in the natural sciences and engineering. Efforts to ‘fix the knowledge’ in science and technology began with new developments in feminist theory in the 1980s. Major epistemologists, such ...
HUMAN-robot interactionAPOLOGIZINGThis document is a correction notice for an article titled "Gendered Human-Robot Interactions in Services" published in the International Journal of Social Robotics. The correction addresses an error in the funding information provided in the original article. The ...
HUMAN-robot interactionGENDER identitySOCIAL impactSOCIAL robotsHUMAN bodyROBOTSGENDERWith a growing curiosity in anthropomorphic robots, academics and interested parties have started to examine the ethical implications and social impacts of their (mis)use. Gender in anthropomorphic robots is a field that ...
Third, in Chap. 3. Human and Robotic Bodies as Sources and Objects of Gender Knowledge, my work sug- gests a different way to approach gender in human-robot interactions. Instead of treating it as a simple or isolated variable, I propose to examine the true social in robotics by ...