LSE的性别研究系(Department of Gender Studies)是英国所有大学学科分支设置最为齐全的性别研究课程,也是全职教员最多的系所。相比之下,剑桥大学和牛津大学的性别研究学术社群,虽然从职人员的数量众多(主要供职于其它系所,来性别系开课招生),如剑桥则高达30位,但其主职人员只有寥寥数位(约3位)。倘若并非主职人员,...
在这点上,本dept确实对的起自己吹的牛逼,the largest Department of Gender Studies in Europe,以及,我也承认,在这里是可以接触到很玄乎也很前沿的gender knowledge,但是适不适合中国/东亚学生,那就是另一回事了。 本文或许会有点长,大概会从我们系的必修课Gender Theories: An Interdisciplinary Approach的outline,...
The prevalence of transgender people in our communities is a hotly debated subject and one which is subject to several studies that are each seen as underestimates by the next one to be carried out. Numbers are made all the more likely to be on the low side by the difficulty of polling p...
rich, democratic) samples used in most of the consent studies, Young and Hegarty’s (2019) calling out of the imbrication of sexual harassment as simultaneously the object of study and part of the culture of academic social psychology. They...
A同学是英国一所大学的媒体传播系本科学生,亦是摆渡学人所指导的2021秋季入学的学生。申请院校包括剑桥大学性别研究硕士(MPhil Interdiciplinary Gender Studies), 伦敦大学学院(UCL)的性别研究硕士(MA Gender, Society and Representation)以及伦敦政治经济学院性别研究硕士(MSc Gender, Media and Culture)。
A同学是英国一所大学的媒体传播系本科学生,亦是摆渡学人所指导的2021秋季入学的学生。申请院校包括剑桥大学性别研究硕士(MPhil Interdiciplinary Gender Studies), 伦敦大学学院(UCL)的性别研究硕士(MA Gender, Society and Representation)以及伦敦政治经济学院性别研究硕士(MSc Gender, Media and Culture)。
Filed under feminism, Gender studies, Trans studies Tagged as feminism, gender, gender identity, male privilege, trans women, trans*, transgender, womanhood by Rachel Williams | March 14, 2017 · 8:43 pm Let Trans Women Grow Left: Me when I first started transition | Right: Me roughly tw...
(based on the 80 periodicals for which there were data from both years). On the positive side,Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Healthranked 35th in 2012 and 6th in 2016;differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studiesranked 71st in 2012 and 42nd in 2016; andFeminist Reviewranked 6...
UlrikeE.AugaGenderStudies1IntroductionFeministresearch experienced somedelays in its developmentregardingthe conceptof gender:anotiononlyabsorbedby feministtheologyatthe start of the1990s.Thiswasfollowedby an importantchangeintheoryconstruction.Thepresuppositionsunderpinninggenderresearch are mostlypoststructuralist,and...
genderED is a “virtual space to showcase excellence in teaching, research and Knowledge, Exchange, Impact (KEI) in gender and sexualities studies at University of Edinburgh, and to promote connectivity and interdisciplinarity”. Thus, genderED and GEARING Roles share goals and objectives, and there...