New indexes of adiposity have been introduced to assess the correlation between body-fat distribution and cardiometabolic risk. However, data on the correlation between IR and these new indexes are limited. Some studies evaluated the relationship between IR and adiposity indexes in children and adolesce...
measured by indirect calorimetry, is significantly lower in women than in men [102]. According to other studies, sex does not appear to play a role since the REE is similar when normalized to kilograms of body weight or kilograms of lean body mass, the major contributor to REE [92]. Even...
the wage growth of female gig workers lags behind their male counterparts, a gap not observed in traditional sectors. Our evidence of a gender wage gap within the gig economy aligns with studies (Chen,2024; Adams-Prassl et al.,2023; Centeno Maya et al.,2022; Micha et al....