【录取要求】An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered. 亚非学院 MA Gender Studies该课程以性别研究为重点,关注亚洲、非洲、中东及其散居地的复杂特殊性,创造了一个前沿的教学空间,学生在这里努力解决 "西方 "和精英女权主义的局限性,并解...
What You Can Do With a Gender Studies Degree Gender studies degree recipients often choose to work for advocacy organizations and charities that frequently assist women — such as domestic violence shelters — or similar groups that help lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. An undergrad...
(https://www.queensu.ca/gnds/about-us/careers-gender-studies-degree) GNDS我和很多的专业都是有联系的。举几个例子吧,我们专业课也有很多来自别的系的同学来听,比如说我遇到比较多的就是学教育的来上GNDS的课,当然,也有学习生态学的同学说来上课是为了探讨学习现在被加拿大依旧很大程度上忽视的土著文化和生态...
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Degree: Bachelor; Honours Field of Study: Women's Studies Length: 4 Year(s)Description: Engage in critical understandings of feminist scholarship across different historical, socio-economic, cultural and political contexts. Consider how gender intersects ...
Degree BA Study Level Undergraduate Carleton’s Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies offers a program that engages students in critically understanding the key issues of feminist scholarship and their relationship to our lived experience. Students have the opportunity to engage in...
https://www.lse.ac.uk/study-at-lse/Graduate/degree-programmes-2023/MSc-Gender-Media-and-Culture LSE的GMC项目隶属于性别系所,它是一个性别和媒体的交叉项目,课程由性别系和媒体传播系共同提供。我们根据官网提供的介绍,可以从两个方面理解这个项目的核心关怀: ...
https://www.lse.ac.uk/study-at-lse/Graduate/Degree-programmes-2022/MSc-Gender-Development-and-Globalisation LSE性别研究系(Department of Gender Studies)成立于1993年,是欧洲最大的性别研究系,也是全球公认的性别研究专业中心。它开创了交叉、跨学科和跨国教学和研究的先河,致力于解决全球转型时期权力关系与性别...
Many of the debates among theorists of the body in feminist and gender studies center on the gendered body and its relation to the sexed body, with the val
In this respect, one important source of identity stems from the subject a student studies.doi:10.1080/0958517990100205P. LemanTaylor & Francis GroupCurriculum JournalThe role of subject area, gender, ethnicity and school background in the degree results of Cambridge University undergraduates - Leman ...
LSE性别研究系(Department of Gender Studies)成立于1993年,是欧洲最大的性别研究系,也是全球公认的性别研究专业中心。它开创了交叉、跨学科和跨国教学和研究的先河,致力于解决全球转型时期权力关系与性别不平等的固有问题(关于性别与不平等硕士项目的解读,可以参考)。 该系开设了八个硕士课程,拥有15名教职员工,包括很...