香港中文大学 女性研究专业 专业:MA in Gender Studies 性别研究硕士 所在学院:社会科学学院 官方链接: 学制:1年 申请要求:任何专业背景,但需要具备部分性别研究知识,额外提交 500 字...
香港中文大学 女性研究专业 专业:MA in Gender Studies 性别研究硕士 所在学院:社会科学学院 官方链接: 学制:1年 申请要求:任何专业背景,但需要具备部分性别研究知识,额外提交 500 字...
CUHK 港中文 Gender Studies 性别研究 这个专业不卡专业背景,接受所有专业背景的学生申请,但申请人需要对性别研究有一定的了解,还需要提交一份500words的陈述阐述为什么想入读这个专业, 语言成绩要求:雅...
Transcript: Official transcripts (with a complete record of courses attended and examination results) and grading scheme of all tertiary level studies. For Non-CUHK qualifications: Photocopies will not be accepted. Applicants should first download the “Transcript Submission Covering Sheet” and send it...
总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思: 总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 申请材料 Transcript: Official transcripts (with a complete record of courses attended and examination results) and grading scheme of all tertiary level studies. For Non-CUHK qualifications: Photocopies will not be accepted. Applicants shoul...
总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思: 总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 申请材料 Transcript: Official transcripts (with a complete record of courses attended and examination results) and grading scheme of all tertiary level studies. For Non-CUHK qualifications: Photocopies will not be accepted. Applicants shoul...
Gender Studies Programme, Faculty of Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Room 250, 2/F, Sino Building, Shatin, Hong Kong. C H.ChanDepartment of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po, Hong Kong.Eliz ...
This special issue will build on existing studies on gender relations and gender beliefs in East Asia and present cutting-edge research on the emerging themes: How gender dynamics unfold as people navigate diverse intimate and family relations, including but not limited to singlehood, dating, cohabit...
working on gender and China. We seek proposals that articulate issues of gender in relation to voice broadly construed, in a range of disciplines including but not limited to: gender studies, media studies, cultural studies, film studies, literature, history, sociology, anthropology, queer studies...
01 见树又见林,为何CUHK性别研究比LSE更好申? W同学在25fall同时拿到了香港中文大学的性别研究项目(MA in Gender Studies)和LSE的性别媒体与文化项目(MSc in Gender, Media and Culture)录取。这说到两个项目之间应该怎么抉择,有的读者或许会说,“CUHK的QS排名更高,香港的读书成本还没伦敦那么高,当然是选港中...