(MIS) Representing the Dalit Woman: Reification of Caste and Gender Stereotypes in the Hindi Didactic Literature of Colonial Indiadoi:10.1177/037698360803500206This paper explores the complex social and literary narratives that functioned in the name of the Dalit woman in late colonial north India. It...
Language is not static. Cultural norms change, and the words we use to describe ourselves and others evolve to reflect the times. We cannot ignore the stereotypes perpetrated by the use of gendered language. Yet the act of moving away from traditional linguistic rules and embracing new convention...
In economics, lab-in-the-field experiments have been used: (1) to examine the decisions of a broader range of subjects, extending our understanding of human behaviour beyond a few select communities in the western world (Heinrich et al.,2010); (2) to compare decisions across subject pools;...