In the first case, these are the type of working day (full-time or part-time); continuous or split working day; type of contract (permanent or fixed-term); seniority in the company (in years); occupation (divided into 3 qualification levels); and firm size (grouped into 3 categories)....
The singular Godhead, male and female halves intertwining as one whole, splits into two and issues forth in two complementary streams: a stream of male forms issues forth from Kṛṣṇa’s gopa body, the svayaṃ-rūpa, as manifestations of the paradigmatic nonmaterial male body, and...
GET<your api key> FieldTypeDescription split String Full name country String ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 Country Code strict Boolean (true|false) When the strict mode is enabled, we will return null in the last_...
" Same thing with working weekends. In our family we split childcare equally, but both of us are fighting against that lingering stereotype that it's my job and mine alone. -Elizabeth Uncles Benzur via Facebook Having had time off, be it 12 months to say 10 years to raise a family, ...
GET<your api key> FieldTypeDescription split String Full name country String ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 Country Code strict Boolean (true|false) When the strict mode is enabled, we will return null in the last_...
In 2023, women accounted for 46 percent of gamers in the United States, down from 48 percent of U.S. gamers identifying as women during the previous year. What percentage gamers are female? Almost half of gaming audiences in the United States are female. This development has been ongoing ...
It’s a gross generalization to split a literary genre along gender lines, but I think you could argue that there are differences in the way males and females perceive fantasy, inasmuch as we seem to fantasize for different reasons. We’re a fairly small outpost in Australia, and I think ...
For this test, you will need to lick your thumb and wipe it on a penny coin. Once the penny is wet you should hold it against a wall with the split side looking at the wall. Press the penny onto the wall for 30 seconds and then let go; if the penny sticks to the wall you are...
Bhawan (Room No.6) 1.Compilation of data, based on EMI area statements, relating to public and private sectors for preparation of Quarterly Quick Estimates of Employment inthe organized sector state wise/ All India.2.Scrutiny and tabulation of data received through ER-I returns, in smaller / ...
GET<your api key> FieldTypeDescription split String Full name country String ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 Country Code strict Boolean (true|false) When the strict mode is enabled, we will return null in the last_...