This study examined reasoning about gender roles in a traditional society in Benin, West Africa. Ninety-seven male and female adolescents and adults evaluated conflicts between a husband and a wife over gender norms to determine whether gender norms, are judged to be moral or conventional. ...
“…fetal engineering, in which doctors are using a synthetic steroid to prevent female babies from being born with “behavioral masculinzation,” or rather a propensity toward lesbianism, bisexuality, intersexuality, and tomboyism. […drugs were given] as early as week five of the first trimest...
Then they switched roles, the scrubber moving into a prone position on the floor and the ritual was reversed. Through the steam, you could see dozens of women, some wearing underpants and some not, sitting in pairs or small groups – all very matter-of-factly but tenderly cleaning each ...
Women are particularly vul- nerable to the challenges of climate change due to cultural norms, inequalities in gender roles, and socio-economic status (Georgalakis, 2020). In Africa, where climate change has led to increased frequency of drought, higher temperatures, and floods, the awareness ...
Societies. Spiritual Gender Roles. Spiritual Kingdom ABSTRACT Generally, studies have always discussed gender roles existing in societies. The aim of this study was to explore the symbolism of gender and sexuality reflected by Mukwerera rainmaking ritual son...
The males are responsible for having the ingredients for meals, preserving the general framework of their home, and staying in good terms with the other families around. The importance of women’s roles in Africa are not as appreciated. If the women in this society did not help to raise ...
Gender roles have been constructed very differently elsewhere, in western nations for example, as they industrialised, built empires and now again Acknowledegments Special thanks are due to the hospital doctors who gave time to be interviewed and the hospital's Executive Medical Director and the ...
s views on women concede he takes for granted that men and women have different, complementary, biologically endorsed roles to play in society. Of course, this means women are not cut out for civic life, but are designed by nature to have, raise and stay with children as theirraison d’...
Gender relations have a bearing on sexual behaviour, which in turn could determine one’s STI status. Socially constructed gender-based expectations define power relations, roles, obligations, and relationships between men and women [8]. Inequities in gender relations are often to the disadvantage ...
Low GE cultures prescribe different gender roles for male and female man- agers. Male managers are expected to display masculine leadership behavior (Emrich et al., 2004). As a result, subordinates in low GE cultures may not expect their male supervisor to display much coaching behavior. When ...