Thermal scale, the Gender Role Beliefs Scale (GRBS), has strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Validity for the GRBS is demonstrated by large correlations with a criterion measure, significant mean differences among groups representing variations in traditionalism, and significant ...
Gender Role Beliefs ScaleSex RolesPsychometricsGender DifferencesIn Study1, we examined the psychometric properties of the Gender Roles Beliefs Scale (GBRS)[8] with a sample of 451 undergraduate students and identified items that could be used to develop a short version of the scale. The GRBS ...
Four main drugs are recommended for secondary prevention: aspirin or other antiplatelet drugs, statins, Beta blockers (BBs), and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). We found fifty-six studies that examined gender differences in pharmacological tre...
To test this hypothesis, female elementary school teachers were administered the Bem Sex-Role Inventory and the Referral Bias Scale (RBS) developed for this study. The RBS consists of 12 vignettes, half depicting healthy student behavior and half pathologic behavior. Within each of these two ...
The Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo is of great importance to the Kosovo Serbs as the only Serbian institution that has remained alongside them; the Church’s role in the retraditionalisation and repatriarchalisation of the Serbian community is very strong, and its influence is increasing over...
The BSQ utilizes a six-point Likert scale ranging from one to six (one = never, six = always) to assess how frequently in the past four weeks a participant reported experiencing negative thoughts or feelings about their body shape (e.g., “Have you felt ashamed of your body?”). In...