It’s been so fun putting together baby girl’s nursery! Here are a couple photos of what we have in there so far. I LOVE the nurserywallpaper. I still need a dresser, pendant light, and a few other things. Can’t wait to show you guys the final look once it’s done! I’m n...
Filed under: Blogging, Commentary, Life Experiences, Transgender | Tagged: awareness, coming out, crossdress, crossdresser, Education, gender, glbt, Humor, ifge, job, life, Reach out, tmi, tmi-band, tucson, understanding, Video | 4 Comments » It’s all over when I go out thinkin’ ...
Smoke BombGender Reveal Edit image ProudGenderQueer Edit image Load more Free for use under the PixabayContent License Edit image Views13 Downloads3 StephenGill0 followers Life long crossdresser Discover Editor's ChoiceCurated CollectionsPixabay Radio ...
Through the representation of the cross-dresser and her body, these texts create a space for Sapphic possibilities despite attempts to ignore, ridicule or trivialize same-sex desires by eighteenth-century texts. By looking at a variety of genres--the novel, the actress memoir, the scandalous ...
t4t usually refers to the craigslist section where trans people and crossdressers try to hook up with each other. But for me, “t4t” represents the queering of romance, an escape from cis-supremacy and the shackles of cis-heteropatriarchy. The way our bodies interact during sex defies easy...
Further, while they do so as a part of their identity, many crossdressers do not want to live completely within that gender expression. For example, a cis male-identified person who also has a female gender expression, and sometimes wears clothes typically reserved for women, may not want...
In an attempt to align with my theoretical values around femininity, when it comes to clothes – questions of gender presentation and how the world “reads” you – my intent as a parental dresser has not been gender “neutrality” but rather gender experimentation and options. But try as I...
He also searched diligently for records of all known crossdressers, but of course, this wouldn’t reveal those who were wrestling privately with feelings of gender incongruity. So we must look beyond Kinsey for estimates of trans people. This, unfortunately for trans activists, is where contempor...
this reimbursement comes at the expense of pathologizing tens of thousands of people, including non-complaining crossdressers and transgendered people who have no desire for surgery. Most unfortunately, GID is also used as an excuse to apply “corrective treatment” to non-complaining gender-variant...
thesociologicaldebatethegenderpaygap课文翻译 The Sociological Debate:The Gender Pay Gap 关于一个社会问题的讨论——性别收入差异 一、原文及译文 1.The “gender gap”in pay is a widely reco gnized fact.Even as recently as 1994,wo men who worked full time year ro und(that is,more than 35 ho ...