Sex ratio (also known as Gender Ratio) is the ratio of males to females in a population. That is, it is the proportion of males in a population. Read more about the sex ratio on India. Download Sex Ration PDF notes for free. For UPSC 2023 preparation, fo
It is identified with continuance of female foeticide, infanticide as a result of inadequate nutrition, health care and neglect, female discrimination, high maternal and female mortality persists in India and worsen the sex ratio. The measures must be taken to improve the sex ratio by enacting ...
The Government of India has initiated various programmes, such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the Mid-day Meal Scheme, to provide universal elementary education (Bajpai and Goyal, 2004; Kingdon, 2007). The gender parity index (GPI) (ratio of girls’ to boys’ enrolment) for children 6–...
As we observed stronger effects for intimacy than passion, in an explorative vein, we also tested for models with passionate love (i.e., passion to intimacy ratio) as an outcome variable. We found that the amount of passion to intimacy ratio was lower in countries with higher modernization i...
But the two most populous countries, China and India, have a higher male population by a margin. Therefore, there are more males than females in the world. If the populations of China and India are excluded, there are more females than males in the rest of the world. The sex ratio at...
Additionally, the odds ratio (OR) for in-hospital cardiac mortality was 0.303 (95% CI 0.103–0.893) for women compared to men. However, a one-month follow-up for MACE post-hospital discharge did not indicate significant gender differences. Conclusions The current study suggests that women with...
Supporting this idea, Andrew Clark of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, found a higher rate of sociosexuality in women with a smaller ratio of index-to-ring-finger length – which some researchers believe corresponds to higher prenatal androgen exposure. It is not just prenatal testosterone ...
In India's capital territory of Delhi, the share of males with multiple disability was at 1.4 percent and with locomotor disabilities at 0.9 percent in 2018. The same among females was less prevalent. According to the 76th round of the NSO survey conducted between July and December 2018, a...
Meghauli is one of the 40 villages in the Chitwan District. Meghauli has a total population of 14,149. The sex ratio (male:female) in Meghauli is 0.81, largely due to the large number of males living and working elsewhere in Nepal or abroad. The most common language spoken in the ...
From these estimations, we found no statistically significant Likelihood ratio tests for independent variables (Ho: B = 0) or Wald tests for simple or composite linear hypotheses of individual parameters. The Small-Hsiao test for assessing the IIA assumption did not yield significant results. ...