The gender pay gap is a complex and often misunderstood issue, leading to various misconceptions and discussions about whether the gap is real or fake. These, in turn, give rise to arguments against addressing the gender pay gap. Therefore, it’s important that these myths are debunked so we...
Three commonly argued justifications for the persistent discrimination and gender bias that prevent women from rising to leadership positions in the field of pediatric medicine have been debunked by a Drexel University College of Medicine researcher and colleagues in a special article published in the ...
Here are three myths about the wage “gap.” Myth 1: Women get less pay for equal work. The spurious assertion that women are paid 77 cents for a man’s wage dollar comes from comparing the earnings of all full-time men with those of all full-time women. The comparison is bogus,...
That’s the whole problem with AGP “theory”: it attempts to make massive generalizations about an extremely diverse group of people all based on a simplified account of sexual orientation. Zinnia Jones and Julia Serano have both dissected and debunked the “science” of autogynephilia in much m...