Nationally representative figures drawing on random samples do not exist for transgender people in Australia. The Sex in Australia Studyorganised a sub-set of questionsto address transgender or intersex issues, but these were not used as no one in their survey specified that they were part of the...
Finding a competent therapist to discuss gender-related topics can lead some patients to travel long distances to go to appointments, adding financial and time constraints to the list of existing barriers. A survey conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality revealed that 29% of pa...
*– Now that MTFs consider themselves “adult human females,” and of the female sex, they have again neatly collapsed the two into a single category for the purpose of definition, which has proven disastrous for sex protections in, for instance, provisions of the UK’s newly proposed GRA,...
These five options were recategorized to “living with family” and “not living with family” for analysis since the proportion of “living with family” was 92.5% and the proportion of the other four categories, even combined, was very small. The response options for household economic status...
Only34%of ethnic minority female respondents said gender didn’t matter. At the same time, as many as42% of them believed that it was easier for men to find a job. On the other hand,56%of white female survey takers said gender wasn’t important in the recruitment process. And28%of ...
In all, 103 college-aged adults participated in the survey and revealed that apartment-style housing and self-contained singles were the most preferred among five housing options currently in use at various colleges and universities across the country. Implications for the various options are ...
Survey weights were applied during analyses to obtain population prevalence estimates for the 5 sexual and gender identity groups. To assess whether there were significant differences across groups in prevalence and risk factors, 2-sided χ2 tests were conducted. Weighted hierarchical logistic regressions...
Surgical Options: Transgender Men Gender Reassignment: Regrets Gender Dysphoria: Diagnosis and Psychotherapy Therapy and counseling is one of the first major steps to gaining an understanding of your gender identity. Kansas City Star/Getty Images Transgender people may begin identifying with a di...
with the past 12 months as the time frame. For the current analysis, we coded a symptom as present if the participant endorsed one of the two most extreme response options (frequently or always) and as absent if the participant endorsed one of the three other options (never, rarely, so...
In this paper, self-reported experiences with general and trans-specific healthcare services were analyzed for differences between gender-diverse people, trans men, and trans women, using data from a five-country survey. More than half of all respondents indicated they had delayed general health...