Measuring attitudes toward gender norms among young men in Brazil: Development and psychometric evaluation of the GEM Scale. Men and Masculinities. 2008;10:322-38.Pulerwitz, Julie, and Gary Barker. 2008. "Measuring Attitudes toward Gender Norms among Young Men in Br...
Gender norms and sexual risk among teenagers in Sao Paulo, BrazilStempliuk, VPaiva, VAntunes, MSilveira, FBallestrini, MHearst, N
In many cases, asylum seekers are required to renounce human rights in order to prevent persecution, for example by complying with patriarchal family norms. Even where this requirement is rejected, asylum law illustrates the ambiguous relation between Europe and human rights....
inequalities, the work conducted by the SPLP calls attention to context-specific experiences of persons whose sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (SOGIE) does not conform to societal norms, rendering them vulnerable to various dimensions of exclusion from development policies and ...
When compared to the norms, the vast majority of both sexes performed below average. Limited opportunities for FMS development in school settings and the attitude that sport is primarily a masculine domain are possible explanations discussed. This report has significant implications for the promotion ...
Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 [UNSDG5] commits to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Indicators of this include ending all types of discrimination against women and girls everywhere; eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls; ...
3.1.2. TGD people resist cisgenderism in questions about gender identity Conflated concepts create confusion and serve as stimuli for participants to resist cisgender norms. Some participants explained that they preferred the GIQ-community because it contained fewer conflations of sex assigned at birth...
Note:These are just societal norms and not universally applicable to all individuals. Women can embody a wide range of characteristics, many of which may not align with traditional “feminine” roles. Male Gender Role Daily Life: In a traditional sense, men are often expected to be the primary...
noting or relating to a person whosegender identityorgender expressiondoes not conform to socially defined male or female gender norms. Discover More Other Words From gen·der di·ver·si·tynoun Discover More Example Sentences The inclusion of racially, ethnically, and gender-diverse participants i...
When a public health crisis taps directly into reproductive health, typically a feminine realm, gender systems may reproduce traditionally and deeply rooted gender norms, especially those linked to cultural beliefs and expectations playing out in different relational contexts. This study investigates gender...