feminine- a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to females or to objects classified as female masculine- a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to males or to objects classified as male neuter- a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (...
Gender Norms.What is considered as appropriate behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes for males and females, as directed by a society.其实就是由社会所定义的,男性与女性恰当的行为、理念、态度。
The present study investigated RMA, psychopathic traits, attitudes towards women, and male gender role norms using a convenience sample of 85 active and veteran military personnel recruited through social media. As hypothesized, males and females with in the military did not differ in level of RMA...
The goal of sex and gender analysis is to promote rigorous, reproducible and responsible science. Incorporating sex and gender analysis into experimental design has enabled advancements across many disciplines, such as improved treatment of heart disease
All humans are born with biological characteristics of sex, either male, female, or intersex. Gender, however, is a social construct and generally based on the norms, behaviors, and societal roles expected of individuals based primarily on their sex. Gen
Concussion reporting, sex, and conformity to traditional gender norms in young adults. J Adolesc. 2017;54:110–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.11.002. Article PubMed Google Scholar Oliffe JL, Phillips MJ. Men, depression and masculinities: a review and recommendations. J Men'...
Brain injury outcomes differ based on one’s sex (biological characteristics) and gender (social characteristics reflecting norms and relationships), however, whether it is sex or gender that drives differences in early (30-day) mortality and discharge location post-TBI is not well understood. In ...
The Five-Point Test was the last task of this protocol and measured figural fluency functions [159]. No sex differences were found even after many studies developing norms on numerous subpopulations [157,158,160]. Performance varies significantly according to education level and age [161]. Complet...
descriptors, and there is nothing pejorative about being classified as male. Any negative connotations the words female and male bring to mind are caused by the social construction ofgender normsassociated with the sexes, in the form offemininityandmasculinity– this is the subject of the next ...
詹金斯(Jenkins)提出了一个‘规范相关性(norm relevance)’的解释(account),一个个体的性别身份是由与TA相关的TA所经验到的性别特定的规范(gender-specific norms)所决定的 [43]。就是说,例如,在这个解释(account)中,某人有女性性别身份(female gender identity)——因此是一个女人——如果TA在与TA相关的社会语境...