The most commonly used gender-neutral honorific isMx., pronounced [ miks ] or [ muhks ]. The first recorded use ofMx.was in 1977, where it was suggested as a less-sexist alternative to the traditionalMr.,Mrs., andMiss. These forms are not only highly gendered, but they also link a ...
Ey/em/eirs are shortened versions of they/them/their that began use in 1975 when Christine Elverson entered and won a contest by the Chicago Association of Business Communicators to find neutral pronouns. 4. Mx. (pronounced miks) Mx. is the non-binary version of Ms./Mrs./Miss/Mr., term...
Using gender neutral pronouns will go a long way towards creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels safe to be themselves. Learn how here!
In fact, Japanese does not even have an equivalent to Mr., Ms. and Mrs. The standard customer service greeting is gender neutral, essentially saying, "to everyone, with our humblest respects." For more specific situations, people are addressed by their names or as the "honorable customer."...
Moving Towards Gender-Neutral Language In recent years, there has been the beginning of a language reform movement to create gender-neutral forms for Romance languages. The result of one such movement was the creation of the term Latinx (pronounced "latin-ex") as a non-gendered version of Lat...
Shen Zijiu’s suggestion that the Chinese in Indonesia should maintain a “sympathetic neutral stance” also indicated hers and NWM’s similar position for the Chinese in Malaya to keep a distance from local politics, although some of their writers pursued otherwise. As a Malayan women’s ...
The psychiatric classification of “normal” versus disordered sexual behavior has been a subject of some dispute. Although atypical sexual interests have been viewed traditionally as typically male, epidemiological data indicate its presence in both gen
This article interprets the narratives of sex manuals produced within the Malay-Indonesian archipelago before the coming of Western colonialism and the dawn of postcolonial Islamic resurgence. In the collection of Malaysian libraries and museums, these manuscripts are largely classified as Kitab Jimak an...
Among the few biographical facts about Lowry that are recorded by Schuh is that “She was apparently of short stature and it is said that when Varley’s apprentices grew bored, they would toss Mrs. Varley back and forth amongst them” [2]. This seems like several forms of contemporary work...
In this paper, we use the term algorithmic biases to refer to automatic decisions made by a machine learning algorithm that are not neutral, fair, or equitable for a particular subgroup of people (or statistical observations in general). This group is distinguished by a sensitive variable, such...