This paper explores the impacts of gender mainstreaming initiatives in Tanzania's transport sector on the everyday reality of rural women's lives, including those facing multiple forms of discrimination. Using qualitative methods, including co-investigation with community members, data we...
5. MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN NATIONAL STATISTICS Countries are increasingly integrating gender into national statistics, with new tools promoting a country-led, demand-driven approach. Making gender an integral part of national statistical strategies enables nations to effectively identify gender disparities, ...
World Bank, Mainstreaming Gender in Agriculture and Rural Developmen. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2008). Google Scholar CARE/MEDA, “E-Course on Market Analysis and Value Chain Project Design” (Online course notes, Microlinks), accessed November 24, 2013.
In Tanzania, USAID piloted the app MAST (Mobile Application to Secure Tenure) to support more sustainable and equitable land governance. In much of the world, land ownership can be a major source of income, so better mapping and fair distribution can be a tool for advancing equity. The proje...
the authors decide not to superimpose any particular version of empowerment on their analysis, but to accept the bottom line that if women are not organised and not participating in the institutions of the sector, then definitely this is a sign of their marginalisation and lack of access to ...
Part of the implementation challenge is simply opposition to gender mainstreaming, sometimes rooted in misconceptions about equity. “Calling for gender equality in combatting climate change, for example, is often mistaken for supporting only women,” the report states. “There is therefore a need to...
Among the most thorough accounts of gender in the political agronomy literature, a book chapter by Rao and Huggins (2017) addresses gender and women’s empowerment in the context of biofortified orange-fleshed sweet potato in Tanzania. The authors argue that the assumption that “women who adopt...
The event brought together officials from the Rwandan government and UN, members of civil society and academia, gender activists and the private sector to discuss gender mainstreaming efforts in Africa. Despite some of the efforts made with regards to gender equality and the empowerment of women, ...
IFAD (2003) Mainstreaming a gender perspective in IFAD’s operations: plan of action 2003–2006. International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome Google Scholar IFPRI (2007) Proceedings of the consultation on strengthening women’s control of assets for better development outcomes. IFPRI, Washingto...
The documents also included gender mainstreaming and supported theenhancement of education, training and capacity building for women. Despite this, none of4the documents mention direct benefits to women and youth or budget allocations for genderspecific actions.In all the policies and plans, women are...