Further, through the example of role-play documented above between Alex and Alexandra, Alex can be seen to purposefully create a stage (Goffman, 1959) for his performance of masculinity (see also Day, 2001) drawing on notions of “hard masculinity” (Lyons and Willott, 2008:706). This ...
1.Yetitisoftenmisunderstoodandmisinterpreted,forlanguageisaverycomplicatedmechanismwithagrea(t)dealofnuance.2.ThisisanexampleofthegenderbiasthatexistsintheEnglishlanguage.ReadingaloudCulturalinformationAudiovisualsupplement 3.ItisatthispointthatNilsenarguestha(t)thegenderbiascomesintoplay.4.Itisuptoustodecidewha(...
(Issue 2) Choosing the right version of blonde/blond. The word blond/blonde changes depending on its gender.Blond is a noun meaning a fair-haired male. The blond has nice shoes. (We now know it's a boy.) Blond is also an adjective used to describe anybody (regardless of their ...
2006. "Critical Empirical Research in IS: An Example of Gender and IT," Information Technology and People, Special Issue on Critical Research in Information Systems, 19(3), 272-292.Trauth, E.M., and Howcroft, D. "Critical Empirical Research in IS: An Example of Gender and IT," ...
The meaning of CISGENDER is of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person was identified as having at birth. How to use cisgender in a sentence.
This chapter examines connections between gender performance and the concept of authenticity in three types of cosplay: crossplay, “trans” cosplay, and erotic cosplay. Cosplay is a fan practice in which the body of the cosplayer (who takes on various..
The answer can be found at the very core of the issue itself: Gender bias, like other forms of prejudices and unintentional discrimination, is not subject to conscious reflection and decision making but rather determined by automated emotional processes, subtly bypassing rational and critical internal...
Intimacy is more than sexual practice, of course, and the ability of humans to form emotional attachments to technology is well-documented. Consider, for example, Maja Mataric's description of the relationships formed by families with their Roomba vacuum cleaner in the Robotics Primer (2007). ...