Translation of "Gender Inequality Index" into Chinese 性别不平等指数 is the translation of "Gender Inequality Index" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: A further disparity appears in the gender inequality index. ↔ 还应该指出,性别不平等指数出现了另一个差异。
(2015). Association between gender inequality index and child mortality rates: A cross-national study of 138 countries. BMC Public Health, 15(97): 1-6.Brinda E, Rajkumar A, Enemark U. Association between gender inequality index and child mortality rates: a cross-national study of 138 ...
Around the world, data is showing that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the lives and welfare of women and girls. The Index shows that the COVID-19 pandemic intensified gender inequality, flagging issues like access to sexual and reproductive health services, women’s loss ...
Factors affecting the survival probability of becoming a centenarian for those aged 70, based on the human mortality database: income, health expenditure, ... as: Kim and Kim: Labor force participation and secondary education of gender inequality index (GII) associated with healthy life expectancy...
We measured the extent to which participants were motivated by empathic concern using the 7-item Empathic Concern subscale from the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis,1983). Example items include, “When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective toward them,” and “I...
There is a difference between male and female physics faculty salaries and the culture of physics is partly to blame, according to an article that is available for free this month from Physics Today, the world's most influential and closely followed maga
Decomposing the Gini Inequality Index: An Expanded Solution With Survey Data Applied to Analyze Gender Income Inequality The aim of this article is to propose a new breakdown of the Gini inequality ratio into three components ( within-group inequality, between-group inequalit... B Larraz-Iribas ...
The study computes temperature deviations from its long-run mean as climate change variable and uses the Keetch–Byram Drought Index and number of heatwave days per year as proxies for extreme climatic events. Data for the work are from the South African Weather Services database and the ...
The Global Gender Gap Index aims to measure parity between men and women in 146 countries in four key areas: health, education, economics and politics.
Gender Inequality Index 1.04 *** 1.03 ** 1.04 ** Earnings Equality (Male higher earner ref.) Female higher earner 0.96 1.12 1.17 About equal earnings 0.67 0.96 0.93 Earnings Equality × GII Female higher earner About equal earnings Cohabitation 1.38 * 7.19 *** 7.80 *** Cohabiting × GII...