[Middle English gendre, from Old French, kind, gender, from Latin genus, gener-; see genə- in Indo-European roots.] gen′der·less adj. Usage Note: Some people maintain that the word sex should be reserved for reference to the biological aspects of being male or female or to sexual...
Many of the debates among theorists of the body in feminist and gender studies center on the gendered body and its relation to the sexed body, with the val
- In another hadith, it is stated that gender becomes definite on the 120th day; is it not contradictory to the hadith below?- Abdullah b. Mas’ud narrates:“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,“Nutfah stays in the womb for forty days in the same state. After forty days, it turns...
The third world woman's rented womb emerges in this reading as an overlooked, unclaimed site of hybridity in the global division of labour, with intriguing precedents in the colonial experience, and opportunities for reviewing the incarnation of global hybridity in live bodies in the present....
Gender medicine is not new in pediatric and neonatal care. In 1971, Naeye et al. introduced the “hypothesis of the male disadvantage”, which describes the increased perinatal mortality in males compared with females [6]. In 2004, among the US population, the mortality rate for female infant...
The achievement of orgasm by both partners was necessary to produce the heat to concoct the male and female seeds required for conception. Adults needed regular sex for optimal health, and young women's "greensickness" resulted from holding female seed too long in the womb. Confirming Laqueur,...
Gender medicine is not new in pediatric and neonatal care. In 1971, Naeye et al. introduced the “hypothesis of the male disadvantage”, which describes the increased perinatal mortality in males compared with females [6]. In 2004, among the US population, the mortality rate for female infant...
In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and...
Dr Mary Maboreke, Director of the Women, Gender and Development Directorate in the African Union, received an equal round of applause after providing insight on how a coalition of women's groups and networks successfully lobbied for a 50/50 quota among the just appointed commissioners. Gender ...
People are conceived and carried in, and born from, the womb. This does not seem particularly funny -- like a penis squirting semen does (as in the Egyptian hieroglypic at right). Instead, it is mysterious. If the dark, the hidden, and the internal is the female archetype, there is...