• In some cultures, gender is seen as completely binary, a dichotomy. If your culture tends to view gender as binary, is one gender dominant, or are the genders of equal value, as in the yin-yang symbol in Chinese culture? • In other cultures, gender is seen as more of a ...
and other non-cisgender individuals face widespreaddiscriminationin the workforce, in public life, and in the healthcare system. And in cultures that deny the existence oftransgenderor non-binary individuals altogether, or deny rights to such people, those who do not identify with the gender binar...
Wittig, M. (1992) “The Straight Mind.” In Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures, eds. R. Ferguson, M. Gever, T.T. Minh-ha, C. West, 51—58. The MIT Press.
Still, according to research by the World Health Organization and others, transgender, nonbinary, and other non-cisgender individuals face widespread discrimination in the workforce, in public life, and in the healthcare system. And in cultures that deny the existence of transgender or non-binary...
In other cultures, however, problem-solving may not be the preferred choice, nor the best means of solving conflict (Kilmann & Thomas, 1978; Lewicki, Weiss, & Lewin, 1992). For example, researchers have provided evidence that, depending upon the particulars of the situation, other styles may...
However, the functioning of its anonymous mode - which allows recruiters to toggle between a fully fleshed out and identified candidate and an anonymised ’blank slate’ - suggests that race and gender (along with other social markers) can simply be switched on and off at will in the ...
The results show that women in male-dominated cultures are less willing to engage in competitive environments than women in female-dominated cultures. 2. Personality Traits Among the five personality traits, the difference in agreeableness between women and men is a major contributor to the gender ...
considering that previous studies highlighted the importance of romantic love in relationships established in more individualistic cultures7,23,26as opposed to more collectivistic cultures, in which, historically, arranged rather than love marriages have been more prevalent36,37. On the other hand, colle...
In this study, we explored whether the concept of gender varies as a function of different cultural and linguistic norms by comparing communities that vary in their social treatment of gender-related issues and linguistic encoding of gender. In Study 1, Italian, Dutch, and English...
(i.e., the belief in the superiority of one’s own culture or ethnic group) endorsed by the UN, instead proposing to centre cultural diversity through the concept of cultural relativism: roughly, the belief that certain values, instantiated in practices, may be relative to specific cultures ...