Many of the debates among theorists of the body in feminist and gender studies center on the gendered body and its relation to the sexed body, with the val
also, the pronouns “he” & “she” in english both translate to “vah” (वह) in hindi. however, the rest of the pronouns are gendered. verbs are also generally gendered. russian/ру́сскийязы́к ох/ех/ех/ем/их/ниx slovak/slovenský jazyk oni/...
In Hindi it is so conspicuous. For example - In Hindi 'Woh jata hai' means 'He goes' while 'Woh jati hai' means 'She goes'. So from the verb 'jata' or 'jati' we get a clear idea about gender.Even if a language is having gender bias we can use the words which are gender ...
* The Indo-European language family includes all the major European languages (the only exceptions are Basque, Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian), as well as Persian, Hindi and many others in South, Central and Southwest Asia. The native languages of about half the population of the world are I...
To illustrate informally what the ffr means in practice, we provide a few examples of top grossing movies for some domains of this metric. First, among movies with a high percentage of male faces (i.e. ffr < 25%) we find movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean (2007), Star Wars...
may vary across languages. In Section2.1, I will discuss examples from the descriptive literature which expresses positive evaluation. In Section2.2, I will discuss examples which express negative evaluation. And in Section2.3, I will summarize the findings concerning the form and meaning of the ...
All interviews were digitally audio-recorded in Hindi or Telugu, then translated, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic content analysis by two to three coders. Three main themes emerged from the qualitative interviews among these cisgender women living with HIV: (1) “They kept away”: ...
As the wording of PTSD symptoms may not have been comprehensible to participants who may not be familiar with PTSD in this cultural context, the Hindi PCL-5 was also subjected to a comprehension check. A subsample (12%) were administered the comprehension check. For items the subsample endorsed...
The second was the well-known Hindi film actor dancer Vijayantimala's integrating bhangra machismo, including bolis,3 in her dance composition after having watched it at the Republic Day Parade (Schreffler 2013, p. 397). If the insertion of female dancers in the first fissured the all-male...
(English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Standard Arabic, Bengali, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Urdu), we will encompass approximately 66% of the global population, leaving over 2.7 billion people (34%). The top 200 languages spoken account for approximately 88% of the world’s ...