SGM individuals, also referred to as LGBTQIA2S+ (i.e., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and additional identities), include those whose sexual orientation or gender identity does not align with societal expectations based on their sex assigned...
The meaning of GENDER TRANSITION is a process by which a transgender or nonbinary person comes to live in accordance with their gender identity through changes to their appearance and presentation often with the aid of medical procedures and therapies. H
Males are also more likely to identify with masculine traits and feel that their gender is central to their identity, while females are more likely to shed femininity in favor of agency to gain power and respect. Finally, qualitative themes highlight a general lack of nuanced understanding ...
Transition is the process for trans individuals to express their internal gender identity outwardly through emotional, social, or medical means.Gender dysphoriais defined as strong negative feelings such as distress an individual experiences when their sex assigned at birth does not match their social a...
2.Wood H, Sasaki S, Bradley SJ, et al. Patterns of referral to a gender identity service for children and adolescents (1976-2011): Age, sex ratio, and sexual orientation [Letter to the Editor]. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 2013; 39, 1-6. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2012.675022 ...
Do people’s struggles with a sense of incongruity between their gender identity and biological sex persist over the life course? Does gender dysphoria respond to psychiatric interventions? Should those interventions focus on affirming the gender identity of the patient or take a more neutral stance?
The concept of conversion therapy with reference to alternative gender identities is examined critically and with reference to psychiatry's historical relationship with conversion therapy for homosexuality. The authors consider the uncertainties that clinicians face when dealing with something that is no ...
The following themes emerge as critical to affirmative work with diverse SGMY: (1) the interplay between cultural norms, gender norms, sexual orientation, and gender identity; (2) the complex role of religious community within the lives of SGMY; and (3) consideration of extended family and ...
The Range of Modern GenderIdentity There has likely never been a time in human history when all individuals felt that they were either strictly male or strictly female. But while different cultures at different times have been more or less open and accepting of different gender identities, many ...
Sex-stratified descriptive statistics of each gender measure are presented in Table1and Fig.1. All gender measures showed significant sex differences (p < 0.05), with women scoring higher on feminine-related identity, traits, and sociocultural norm score, and men scoring higher on masculinity...