IdentityIntersexLGBTQSocial ConstructivismFunctionalismOur present and evolved understanding has challenged the previously synonymous use of the terms 'sex' and 'gender'. We have moved beyond the binary categorization towards proliferation of gender identities. Thus, raising questions whether certain identities...
Gender disparities in scholarly productivity within academic otolaryngology departments. J Otolaryngol-Head N. 2013;148(2):215–22. Article Google Scholar Okafor S, Tibbetts K, Shah G, Tillman B, Agan A, Halderman AA. Is the gender gap closing in otolaryngology subspecialties? An analysis of ...
Next, the term of “factory girl” bestows an additional dimension to the stereotype, hinting towards an assumed economic bracket and professional identity about these women. The tacit suggestion lies in a presumed class hierarchy where these female iPhone users are often on a lower economic rung...
Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, single individuals or couples may wish to have children and raise them, either alone or with a partner. They may wish to have biologically related offspring. They may hope to experience the possibilities of being grandparents or...
Winter, Ella.Red Virtue. Human Relationships in the New Russia. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1933. The classic on Soviet women of that period; not scholarly from a modern viewpoint but well worth reading. Google Scholar Winter, Ella. ‘Customary Law and Post-Reform Peasant Russia’....
Andrea Dworkin, Radical Feminist: “Hormone and chromosome research, attempts to develop new means of human reproduction (life created in, or considerably supported by, the scientist’s laboratory), work with transsexuals, and studies of formation of gender identity in children provide bas...
The role of national dances in preserving the cultural identity of a nation. The impact of technological advancement on the music industry. Ancient Greek theater and its impact on the development of the theatre industry. Louis Armstrong’s Interpretation of “Black and Blue”. Street art as the...
Article Google Scholar Eith C (2005) Delinquency, schools, and the social bond. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC, New York Google Scholar Elam JH (2009) An examination of single-gender and coeducational classes: Their impact on the academic achievement of middle school students enrolled in mathemati...
Since biography has been defined as the best arena in which to fight unexamined assumptions and prejudiced notions, postmodernist biographical research into Hemingway has invariably pursued the explosion of the myth of masculinity by asserting that the writer's gender identity, the source of his ...
2013. Forensic representations of identity: the imago, the X-ray and the evidential image. Law and Humanities 7 (2): 129–150. Article Google Scholar Haraway, Donna. 2013. Simians, cyborgs, and women: The reinvention of nature. New York: Routledge. Book Google Scholar Haraway, Donna....