The transsexual identity has been present persistently for at least 2 years The disorder is not a symptom of another mental disorder nor is it associated with chromosome abnormality Other Categories... ICD F64.8 Other gender identity disorders ...
这个问题真是难以回答,有些种类的DSD患者在青春期后发生性别认同变化的概率挺大,有些基本不会发生,这是一个受很多因素影响的过程。因此,摘抄一篇关于DSD患者性别认同障碍的系统性综述和meta分析,以期给各位父母提供一定的参考。 DSD新生儿出生时的性别认定仍然是多学科治疗团队面临的众多困难决定之一,因为其中一些儿童在...
性别认同障碍(gender identity disorder)是一个由心理学家和医生所定义的精神医学用语,是指一个人在...
Gender Identity Disorder Persistent discomfort about one’s physical gender along with the desire to be a member of the opposite sex Previously termed “transsexualism” May undergo hormone treatment or sex-reassignment surgery Human Sexuality Sexuality both private and public. The human sexual response...
identity disorder see themselves as girls and vice versa. This is distinct from homosexuality – people with gender identity disorder may be attracted to the same or the opposite sex, but they feel that their own biological sex is “wrong” and doesn’t represent their actual gender identity. ...
Gender identity refers to a person's basic sense of self as male or female. Gender dysphoria refers to the distress one experiences when one's gender identity does not match one's assigned sex at birth, which often leads to the strong desire to become a member of the other gender. ...
Transsexual children and adolescents may be diagnosed as suffering from gender identity disorder, as defined by the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Parents, with the support of some professionals, may attempt to utilize this classification to secure treatment for their tra...
Because gender identity disorder (GID) in children is relatively uncommon, most child clinicians and researchers are likely to have had very little direct experience with it. In this chapter, I provide a selective overview of our knowledge about children with GID. In keeping with the general ...
Gender Identity Disorder. The onset of this disorder may be as early as 4 years of age, but the diagnosis cannot be made until adolescence or adulthood. In adolescence and adults, the disturbance is manifested by a variety of symptoms, such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and se...
Mckitrick, J. (2007). Gender Identity Disorder. In: Kincaid, H., McKitrick, J. (eds) Establishing Medical Reality. Philosophy and Medicine, vol 90. Springer, Dordrecht. Download citation