gender citation gaphuman geographyMatilda effectsocial network analysisThe Matilda effect describes the phenomenon that findings generated by women receive less recognition in the scientific community than those generated by men. The Matilda effect is particularly consequential in citation practice. Unequal ...
For this article, we use Grant and Booth’s (2009) definition of “literature review” in an attempt to provide a comprehensive picture of the existing evidence around improved maize varieties in Nigeria and their relevance from a gender perspective. Alongside peer-reviewed studies, this review in...
Despite a long-term trend towards reduction, the gender gap in employment keeps standing in Southern Europe. Numerous potential causes have been individuat
The present article aims to fill this gap.3 Method 3.1 Northwestern Bantu We collected data from five Guthrie zones, zones A, B, C, D, and H. The five target zones are illustrated in Figure 1. Zone A, B, C, D, and H are marked in five different shades of orange, whereas ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has progressively assumed a strategic role in corporate business. In this sense, the board of directors (Board) assumes a preponderant role, since they make decisions about business strategy. One considerably debated
Social practice theory (SPT) attempts to bridge the gap between two primary approaches of treating human behavior—the homo economicus approach emphasizing that social order is a combination of individual purposes, intentions and interests and the homo sociologicus approach, which relies on the collecti...
The Gender Asset Gap and Its Implications for Agricultural and Rural Development. In Gender in Agriculture; Quisumbing, A., Meinzen-Dick, R., Raney, T., Croppenstedt, A., Behrman, J., Peterman, A., Eds.; Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2014; pp. 91–115. 65. Department for ...