So wird beispielsweise sowohl in den Medien als auch im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher Publikationen [z. B. [1–3]] über den Gender Pay Gap, also das Lohngeflle zwischen den Geschlechtern, und mgliche Anstze zur Verringerung dieser diskutiert....
(HTTP)-Beispiele (C#)-Beispiele Informationen zu den Beispielen WebApiService-Klassenbibliothek Basisvorgänge Abfragen von Daten Bedingte Operationen Funktionen und Aktionen Metadaten-Vorgänge Parallele Vorgänge Parallele TPL-Dataflow-Vorgänge ...
In the German survey, the language tests in Grade 1 focus on more specific skills (i.e., vocabulary and grammar skills) than the tests in England and the US. As for Germany data regarding students' early reading skills are also available (measured in Grade 2 with the modified ELFE; Len...
Thus, the gender gap in full-time employment is calculated separately in three SLFS waves preceding each SHIS wave (e.g. in 2003, 2004 and 2005; 2008, 2009 and 2010; etc.) and then averaged. This procedure improves estimations and is also required since each survey wave has its own ...
2015). At the mean, the reading gap is more pronounced than the mathematics gap, but high-scoring boys perform better than high-scoring girls in math (Baye and Monseur 2016; Bedard and Cho 2010). A particularly worrying pattern emerges from the data: the gaps in test scores that exist ...
Gender Mainstreaming in der Europäischen Union - Beispiel Polendoi:10.1007/BF02662407electronic materialselectrical propertiesthin filmMagneto-absorption studies of n-lnSb using a CO laser and sensitive photoconductive techniques provide evidence for the presence of excitons bound to neutral acceptors. ...
In this study, we address this research desideratum by analyzing data gathered with the same test instrument in both the US and Germany, and our first hypothesis is as follows: H1. There are no significant differences in economic knowledge between secondary school students in the US and those...
(e.g., increased labour market participation) as well as burdens for women (e.g., double burden of job and household). It becomes clear that agency within coal transitions was also gendered. For example, it was difficult for women to gain access to union structures, which led them to ...
Gefügeänderungen und ihre Bedeutung für die Zeitstandfestigkeit am Beispiel eines Chrom-Molybdän-StahlesWe report a preliminary survey of the effects of dc substrate bias and residual gas contamination on the average composition, internal stress, electrical conductivity, and crystal structure of...
parents who succeeded in sharing these childcare benefits were interviewed. All interviewees had taken at least five months of paid parental leave. The data were analyzed using a content-oriented approach and by applying informed grounded theory. The results show that a substantial number of fathers...