Until recently, gender-based violence has been viewed in this country as a private or family matter. Nevertheless, there gradually has been a shift in thinking in the past few years on this phenomenon, and it is now viewed as both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. ...
The SPIRIT-Outcomes 2022 Extension Mass Violence and the Complex Spectrum of Mental Illness and Mental Functioning Neuropsychiatry Sequelae of COVID-19 A New Framework for Dementia Nomenclature Organization and Performance of US Health Systems Pharmacy Benefit Managers: History, Business Practices, Economics...
They incorporate biological, psycho-social, and value aspects such as adolescent pregnancy, HIV/STI, sexual diversity, intra-family violence, and masturbation [11]. They also include a perspective of human and gender rights, contributing to increase self-esteem, develop better attitudes towards ...
Precision Medicine implies a deep understanding of inter-individual differences in health and disease that are due to genetic and environmental factors. To acquire such understanding there is a need for the implementation of different types of technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) that enab...
Most women living in rural provinces of Tajikistan, specifically Khatlon, experience little to no opportunities for education and economic growth, making them vulnerable to gender-based violence (GBV). Unfortunately due to social norms that are bolstered by a patriarchal society, GBV has become tole...
Motivated by the well-established benefits to society of artistic creation and of demographic diversity, we investigate the gender and racial/ethnic composition of influential contributors to four creative domains. Women make up 51% of the U.S. populatio
assist victims of sexual and gender-based violence in internally displaced person camps and crime-prone areas. daccess-ods.un.org 据设想,联海 稳定团的后勤支助将可以设立 16 个社区警察分局,这些分局的装备可以援助境 内流离失所者营地和犯罪多发地区的 性 暴力 和基 于 性别的 暴力 受害者。 dacc...
Emerging evidence from China suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is deadlier for infected men than women with a 2.8% fatality rate being reported in Chinese men versus 1.7% in women. Further, sex-disaggregated data for COVID-19 in several E
Chuukese women's sexual experiences provide a salient example of the ways in which sexual violence is a threat for women inside and outside intimate relationships throughout their lives. In this study, women experience and embody their roles as the gender responsible for sex in all its forms,...
in the workplace, ethical dilemmas, employment insecurity, stress of running a practice, managing people, meeting budgets, risk of lawsuits and risk to reputation, lack of psychological safety at work including bullying, harassment, discrimination or workplace violence, poor relations with management ...