gen′der gap` n. the difference between women and men in regard to social, political, economic, or other attainments or attitudes, or the problem perceived to exist because of such difference. [1980–85] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyri...
"Understanding the gender and ethnicity attainment gap in UK higher education," Innovations in Education and Teaching International,, D.R.E., Joyner, M., George, R. and Cotton, P.A. (2016) `Understanding the gender and ethnicity ...
but the alarm bells began ringing for me when, at a team meeting, I heard that a child who was 16-years-old had only been seen four times and was then referred to the endocrinology department for hormone therapy," she toldMedscape UK. ...
Gender gap in educational attainment: evidence from rural India. Educ. Econ. 17 (2), 215-238.Chanudhuri, K., and Roy, S. (2009), "Gender gap in educational attainment:evidence from rural India," Education Economics 17(2): 215-238....
Immediately following university completion, male and female full-timers work a very similar number of hours per week, but men earn more than women across the pay distribution, with an unadjusted gender gap in full-time monthly earnings of about 20 log points on average. Including a large set...
The Gender Gap in Stem Attainmentdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3296472I investigate the determinants of high school completion and college attendance, the likelihood of taking science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) courseSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The last three decades have witnessed substantial progress toward gender equality in primary education, consistent with the global commitment to education for all (UNICEF,2019). However, the gender gap in educational attainment (disadvantageous to the girl child) beyond the primary level is pervasive...
Some gender gaps are closing, but the pace of progress is too slow in trade. Reformers in government and business can show the way. Learn more.
Pupils' achievements at school are often shaped by the way that they 'act out' specific gender roles, according to a new study which warns against over-generalising the gender gap in education. The study, by researchers at the University of Cambridge, suggests thatyoung people's attainment is...
third-level attainment and highest level of STEM graduates per capita in the EU. With the right focus by policymakers and business on skill building, the advent of artificial intelligence presents an opportunity to help close the gender gap and put Ireland at the for...