Gender and Politics in Japan: Family Policy and Women?s EmploymentLambert, Priscilla
Gender, Politics, and News in Japangender biasgendered presentationmedia framingpolitical representationwoman politiciandoi:10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc309Jinah LeeAmerican Cancer Society
In Susanna Paasonen’s work: gut reactions, intensities of experience, bodily sensations, resonances, and ambiguous feelings[…]are impossible to mark apart from articulations of emotion[…][which are] imprinted[…]with personal histories, values politics, and many things besides. (2011, p. 387...
Orathai Piyura (2018: 21-22)[8] said that gender refers to the division of people in a society according to their existence and sexual presence through a dynamic socialization process related to power, ethnicity, economy, politics, and culture in the community Therefore, gender education is ...
MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN JAPANESE POLITICS: WOMEN LEGISLATORS ACTING FOR GENDER EQUALITY.Women's representation in Japan lags not only behind that of other advanced nations but also behind that of developing countries. heir numerical disadvantage notwithstanding, women legislators have made efforts to ...
politics of representation—in other words, it ex-amines the problem of stereotypical images of aging and the aged in contempo-rary Japan. The representation of aging and the aged is a set of images created,Aging, Gender, and Sexualityin Japanese Popular Cultural DiscoursePornographer Sachi Hamano...
that gave substance to the categories 'male' and 'female.' The article also offers a critique of contemporary uses of the term agency in analyses of women and Buddhism in medieval Japan, arguing that agency here is defined as something possessed by autonomous individuals with free will, whose ...
The Controversy Surrounding The Man Who Would Be Queen: A Case History of the Politics of Science, Identity, and Sex in the Internet Age In 2003, psychology professor and sex researcher J. Michael Bailey published a book entitledThe Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and...
Much of the work documenting a cross national trend of alienation from politics, however, ignores differences between men and women. This is despite social and structural barriers to women's political involvement that differentiate how men and women interact with the political system, and that imply...
; K.Staronova Civil Servants and Politics in Germany; U.Battis PART III: SUPRANATIONAL BUREAUCRACIES AND CONSEQUENCES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PLAYERS Commission Civil Servants and Politics: De-politicised Bureaucrats in an Increasingly Political Organisation; M.W.Bauer & J.Ege The European Parliament's ...