Movers项目尤其关注赋能弱势青年群体(包括多元性别群体、残障群体、乡村青年和青少年等),确保不让任何人掉队。The Movers Gender workshop is a2-hourinteractive workshop about theUnited NationsSustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 on Gende...
Open to all Heartists®, the internal network for gender diversity and equality counts 20,000+ members across five continents via the mobilization of strong regional communities focusing on two key objectives: The transmission and empowerment of our teamsin understanding their roles in guiding, insp...
What are the Sustainable Development Goals? In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly set out to design a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all." The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of interlinked objectives with associated targets and indi...
we unpack these terms and their co-construction, with the aim of contributing to the understanding of how gender-responsive demand is constructed in development-oriented crop breeding. In the analysis, we use perspectives from political agronomy to foreground the performative role of human actors...
Furthermore, efficiency and equity can find a balance in the adoption of gender-equity objectives for the definition of performance measures.Footnote141The gender perspective can be integrated in any step of the budget cycle, from preparation to evaluation, as reported by Rubin and Bartle.Footnote14...
The country’s more recently launched Gender Balance Council aims to create a nationwide, comprehensive strategy to close the economic gender gap and increase women’s participation in corporate leadership roles to 30%. Targeting similar objectives, Qatar’s Vision 2030 plan seeks to increase ...
variety of internal and external factors, we stay committed to creating extraordinary impact for our people, clients, communities and stakeholders; and have clear objectives and action plans in order to develop an inclusive culture of equity and social justice, so that all our people feel they ...
Gender has a powerful influence on people’s experience of, and resilience to, climate change. Global climate change policy is committed to tackling gender inequalities in mitigation and adaptation. However, progress is hindered by numerous challenges, including an enduring set of gender assumptions: ...
(2019). MIT app inventor: Objectives, design, and development. Computational Thinking Education (pp. 31–49). Springer. Chapter Google Scholar Paton, D., Smith, L., & Violanti, J. (2000). Disaster response: risk, vulnerability and resilience. Disaster Prevention and Management: An ...
This research aims to show profiles of the use of social media for access and scientific updating in educational matters for non-university teachers in Spain, differentiating between men and women. To this end, the following specific objectives (SO) are pursued: SO1. Analyze the perception that...