CultureEmotion socializationAnxietyGenderTemperamentIndividual differences exist in emotional experiences, and cultural context is believed to play an important role in emotion socialization. How parental meta-emotion philosophy (MEP) is related to children's anxiety, somatization, and anger was examined ...
S. (2004). Gender and culture differences in emotion. Emotion, 4(1), 87. Fisher, A. N., & Ryan, M. K. (2021). Gender inequalities during COVID-19. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24(2), 237–245.
This is a very traditional theory, but Levinson doesn’t include women’s differences. Women’s physiological and psychological changes are differ from men. In this case, many scholar against this traditional theory and improve it a lot. From that, culture need to attach importance to women, ...
interested in the place of gender in relation to other key differences and seeks to further feminist knowledge, philosophies, theory, action and debate.The Editors are actively committed to making the journal an interactive platform that includes global perspectives on education, gender and culture. ...
It has been previously glorified that women are more likely to indulge in food as a result of an emotional/mood state. The problem with some previous research is the lack of measure in gender differences. So much of the research available in the context of the influence of mood on eating ...
Sports have traditionally had gendered connotations in society and culture, resulting in solidified gender stereotypes that influence impression evaluations. China has a special gender social culture; however, how sport–gender stereotypes (SGS) influence the gender evaluation of people in China in the ...
These different behaviors reflect differences in gender(1). In the American culture, boys learn to compete(2) with each other in games, trying very hard to win and boasting(3) about how well they can do things. These behaviors are considered masculine(4). People expect boys to act in ...
we found some notable differences in the distribution of some emotions. The analysis showed that male and female characters exhibit most emotions like anger, aggressiveness, despair, envy, outrage, and love very differently from one another. Male characters have higher values for emotions like anger...
Personal values of Thai medical students have been observed to be diverging from those of their seniors, but the differences remain uncharacterized. Despite its potential association with mental wellbeing, the issue remain unexplored in the population. T
Digital learning games have been increasingly adopted in classrooms to facilitate learning and to promote learning outcomes. Contrary to common beliefs, ma