Maintainer Yanxian Lin<***> Description A collection of functions for processing'Gen5'2.06exported data.'Gen5'is an essential data analysis software for BioTek plate read- ers< gen5-microplate-reader-and-imager-software/>.This package ...
Connect one end to the appropriate port on the reader and other end to the appropriate port on the host computer. 6: Install Gen5 on the Host Computer The Eon is controlled by Gen5 software running on a host computer. There is a certain sequence of events that must be followed to ensure...
s Manual Notification for Kinetic Assays Utilizing the Continuous Shake Feature A Gen5 experiment that specifies the following parameters may not run su essfully on the Eon: • Continuous Shake • Kinetic Interval greater than 15 minutes When the experiment is initiated, plate shaking will begin...