作者Gentext Group Inc. Word 4.6(13 评分) 定价可能需要额外购买 立即获取 概述评分和评价详细信息和支持 GenText is an AI Assistant to help academics write reports and cite research accurately AI-powered MS Word Add-in that helps academics generate accurate and professional research reports quickly. ...
GenText AI Assistant for MS Word 0389 文案生成写作 GenText是一个人工智能助手,旨在帮助stduents和专业人员用Word撰写报告 标签:写作 链接直达手机查看 AI驱动的MS Word加载项,可帮助业务专业人员快速生成准确且专业的报告。我们的加载项与MS Word无缝集成,并使用先进的AI技术,该技术已针对业务使用进行了微调。 相...
AI-powered MS Word Add-in that helps academics generate accurate and professional research reports quickly. Our add-in seamlessly integrates with Semantic Scholar and MS Word and uses advanced AI technology that has been fine-tuned specifically for academic use. We use a database of over 200 mil...
该项目是由GenText Group Inc.开发的GenText AI Assistant这是一个人工智能助手主要用于帮助学者准确撰写报告和引用研究。 核心优势: –AI 驱动的 MS Word 插件帮助学者快速生成准确和专业的研究报告。 –与Semantic Scholar 和 MS Word 无缝集成使用专门针对学术用途微调的先进 AI 技术。– 使用超过 2 亿篇论文的...
应用名称GenText AI 助手 IDWA200005287 支持的 Office 365 客户端Mac 上的 Word 2016 或更高版本、Word 网页版、Windows 上的 Word 2013 或更高版本 合作伙伴公司名称Gentext Group Inc. 公司网站https://gentext.ai 应用的使用条款https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2041178 ...
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The complete report,From Potential to Profit with Gen AI, can be found here. Amazon will help you shop with an AI assistant named Rufus In case you aren't already spending enough time or money on Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce site just released a ne...
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