1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable 然后进行转换 gen datevar=date(date2,"MDY", 2099)format datevar %tdgen quarterly = qofd(datevar)format quarterly %tq 2、Quarterly date from monthly date gen month = month(datevar...
>> Every new variable would hold two values: new_q1_1 would hold the frequency of people in group "a" who answered "1" and the frequency of people in group "b" who answered "1". >> >> * * For searches and help try: * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search * http://www....
dear listers, i am trying to understand one of the do-files application for stata. one of the lines read: qui by study: gen last=_n==_N my understanding so far: this is quietly, sort according to study, and as a result, to generate a variable last fulfilling this condition _n==...
Stata:时间序列教程 转载请注明来源 本文主要包括数据类型转换、自相关图、平稳性、协整、格兰杰检验等内容 1 From daily/monthly date variable to quarterly 1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable...
Stata:时间序列教程 转载请注明来源 本文主要包括数据类型转换、自相关图、平稳性、协整、格兰杰检验等内容 1 From daily/monthly date variable to quarterly 1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable...
Stata:时间序列教程 转载请注明来源 本文主要包括数据类型转换、自相关图、平稳性、协整、格兰杰检验等内容 1 From daily/monthly date variable to quarterly 1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable...
Stata:时间序列教程 转载请注明来源 本文主要包括数据类型转换、自相关图、平稳性、协整、格兰杰检验等内容 1 From daily/monthly date variable to quarterly 1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 use date.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable...
To <statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu> Subject st: string values in a gen command Date Tue, 05 Aug 2003 14:57:41 -0400Hello - I am having a simple problem. I am trying to create a string variable based upon a number of conditions. The gist of the code is this: gen newvar = . ...
-substr(string(datedx), 7, 8)- and check for "99". That is, you do the conversion to string on the fly with the function -string()- and do not change the variable at all. -tostring- and -destring- are useful commands in their way, ...
Publication Date: 08/30/2007 Filing Date: 12/16/2003 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: ETS FRANCAIS DU SANG (FR) International Classes: A61K35/12A61P35/00A61P37/00C12N5/0784C12Q1/00(IPC1-7):C12N5/06C12Q1/00C12N5/08A61P37/00A61P35/00A61K35/12...