While gen four introduced a bipedal pseudo-legendary in Lucario, who is so popular they appear in the flagship Pokémon movies, gen five introduced the illusion fox known as Zoroark, who has a very unique ability. Zoroark is the only Pokémon with the ability illusion, which means that when...
Interestingly enough, we can use these usage stats to create pseudo usage-based "tiers" in PH. Smogon usage-based tiers use 3.4% as the cutoff before a mon drops, so I'll be doing the same. (edit: I originally had this say 4.5% like it did in gen 8, but Tmi489 reminded me that...
I think setting them to be anywhere between RU and OU is a reasonable goal with a proper pseudo-legendary BST. I'll leave it up to you what they should be or do - but please make sure that their stat distributions are consistent with their CFM counterparts: Accepting submissions until 12t...
Legendary Eleven: Epic Football Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends Primal Pursuit The Savior’s Gang Smartphone Tycoon The Evil Within Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden DmC: Devil May Cry Midnight Evil Predestination Cartonfall GRAV Magicka Owlboy Mutagen Extinction Beholder Shadow Warrior 1 2100 Hell Wa...
“cables, ropes, masts, pitch, tar flax, hemp, linen cloth, wainscots, wax, steel and other profitable merchandises.” Centuries beforeVorsprung durch Technik, Hanseatic attention to detail and quality was legendary – from pottery and simple brass thimbles and pins to the pewter for which the...
123), a feature regularly observed also for Gen 6:1–4. Piotr Michalowski helpfully describes these notes as “short anecdotal pseudo-historical interpolations” (Michalowski 2012). Wilcke likens them to the short legendary–historical notes found in omens, which there take the form of “historie...