I like to use GemSelect for finding calibrated sizes of gemstones. I purchased sapphires a few years ago and found the quality to be outstanding so I went ahead and purchased some more today (different) and some really unique moonstone. I'm opening a jewelry busy soon and so accurate gem...
For the adventurous, the way to buy gemstones is often at the gem markets such as this one in Sri Lanka, but first, become familiar with the Gemstone Detective’s pointers to finding a genuine stone at a fair price. Star rubies, such as this one from Sri Lanka, are highly prized ...
The old Hematita mine is still in production, but the new owners are finding it necessary to dig deeper into the mountain. We have access to the finest Alexandrite from these mines. At the present time there are only limited amounts of these goods on the market, and no one knows how ...
While serum creatinine is generally recognized to be a poor biomarker of timely AKI detection in critically ill patients [6], many biomarkers have been developed in recent years with the hope of finding an earlier, more sensitive predictor of AKI. These biomarkers could potentially provide means ...
I rediscovered a stone from a few years back. I recall finding the large nodule in matrix, in the Kearsarge Lode near Calumet. I left the half-dollar size stone sticking our from its’ host rock, and just polished the face of it. I thought it was a Quartz/Epidote, salted with Copper...